"I was driving past a bus stop full of children". Oh no, I thought, it's another one of those graphic adverts which shows children getting hit by cars to warn people off speeding/drink driving.
No wait, it's a National Accident Helpline advert. About a car hitting another car. The children were fine and completely irrelivant, but boy did it get my attention.
I think this could be the start of a whole new style of advertising:
"I was walking down the street the other day when I saw a child being held at gunpoint. Later that day I ate some Pringles. Once you pop, you can't stop!"
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Won't somebody please think of the children!
Keyboarded by
David Mortimer
at about
Monday, 23 July 2007
Mortimor, you diabolical!
The other day, to my suprise, I recieved a certificate and cheque in the post for being voted one of the Art, Media and Design department's top Level 2 students.
In fact my work is so well known in the department that they even spelt my name wrong!
Still it was quite an honour, though I was disappointed at the lack of a ceremony. Sometimes I wonder why I ever bought those formal shorts...
Keyboarded by
David Mortimer
at about
Friday, 13 July 2007
Hummer Mia
Thanks to Rob Campbell and all the judges who liked my idea for the APSOTW competition.
It says about my idea here: http://robcampbell.wordpress.com/2007/07/13/report-card-apsotw-synopsis/
Plus the comments go on to a much more serious issue as well, so you should read it anyway!
Keyboarded by
David Mortimer
at about
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
I've started up a new online portfolio site,
It's still hugely unfinished, but feedback is welcome!
Keyboarded by
David Mortimer
at about
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Homer you're a delightful fella, sorry 'bout the salmonella
It shouldn't work, but despite a quite disappointing external make-over and the fact they're alligning themselves with a store famed for its over pricing and food poisoning, I still want to go to a Kwik-E-Mart 7-Eleven and buy a Squishy.
Strange that even after years of falling standards the show is still such an important part of our culture. More importantly it paves the way for my dream of opening a pirate themed pub.
On guard, touche! Oh that is so cliche.
Keyboarded by
David Mortimer
at about