Sunday, 27 January 2008

New Stoke

It's time for my first ever trip to New York. In fact it's my first ever plane journey too. I'll be stopping off to present my team's work on a brief for the Bandujo Donker & Brothers agency, as well as visiting Third Eye Design and no doubt many other places of photo worthy interest.

Should all be a great experience and hopefully I won't have a fit of panic on the plane.

Have a good week!


Anonymous said...

Your first plane trip and it was a 10+ hr flight? You're doing it wrong, hopefully it didn't make you hate planes for the rest of your life..

David Mortimer said...

It was only 8 hours in the end, though that wasn't exactly short.

On the plus side, on the way there th plane had touch screens for each seat, meaning I could play epic games of battleships and chess with people till we arrived.

However, on the way back, they had good old Blighty entertainment, which meant 'Garfield gets Real' on a tiny screen 3 rows away...