Sunday 27 January 2008

New Stoke

It's time for my first ever trip to New York. In fact it's my first ever plane journey too. I'll be stopping off to present my team's work on a brief for the Bandujo Donker & Brothers agency, as well as visiting Third Eye Design and no doubt many other places of photo worthy interest.

Should all be a great experience and hopefully I won't have a fit of panic on the plane.

Have a good week!

Sunday 20 January 2008

The scariest thing I've ever seen at the cinema

A bit of a different approach for Lynx. It's still the '15 year old boy's dream' message, but with a touch more class. It's already got people talking about it, but at the moment it's about how he'd pull out one of your lungs right from your chest, while still keeping that big grin on his face...

Wednesday 2 January 2008

I need your attention, your comments and your motorcycle

Despite a whole advert showing you the wonderful activities and scenery available, it's obvious California realises its main draw is the chance to hunt celebrities.

I can't help but laugh when Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals the comedy quip at the end of the advert. I don't know if it's the cheesiness of the whole thing, or just the fact that a man who once played Danny DeVito's pregnant male friend is actually Governor of a State, but it's an advert I look forward to seeing every break.